Delay Compensated One-way Time Synchronization in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks

IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022

Recommended citation: Z. Fang and Y. Gao, "Delay Compensated One-way Time Synchronization in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks." IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 2021-2025, Oct. 2022. doi: 10.1109/LWC.2022.3189744. (

  • The unpredictability of message delays in the synchronization process greatly influence the performance of time synchronization in wireless sensor networks.
  • We propose a joint design of delay compensation and one-way synchronization, which achieves estimation of clock parameters and fluctuated message delays at the same time.
  • We design a one-way broadcast scheme which update clock parameters with only one-way message based on the Kalman filter.
  • With the accurate delay estimation, we derive an improved clock offset estimation algorithm.
  • The proposed algorithm is performed on MATLAB simulation and experimental testbed with five nRF52832 Bluetooth nodes.

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Recommended citation: Z. Fang and Y. Gao. (2022). “Delay Compensated One-way Time Synchronization in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks.” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 2021-2025, Oct. 2022. doi: 10.1109/LWC.2022.3189744.